
Unified Government of Wyandotte County Kansas City Kansas – Vehicle Impound Facility • Kansas City, KS

CBC Real Estate Group was awarded a contract by the Unified Government of Wyandotte County Kansas City Kansas through a Notice of Need RFP. The project included a cost benefit analysis of maintaining a new vehicle impound facility with staff or outsource to a third-party management company, along with including a potential sewer treatment facility to be co-located on the same site. 

CBC’s services included working with multiple internal department heads during site selection for the new facility. The desired site has many topographic challenges including significant earthwork to level the site per the project requirements and will incorporate green infrastructure design to improve storm water management. 

The combined projects total $17 million allow the Unified Government cost savings in site acquisition, overall project costs and central location of multiple government functions. The target completion date is fall 2022.

(816) 210-3728  •