Pre-development planning
Market Assessment
Development Agreement Negotiations
Public Incentives Negotiations
Financial Modeling
Master Budget Development
Master Schedule Development
In May 2018, The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA) hired the Master Developer Team for the Rock Island Rail Corridor, which includes CBC Real Estate Group, Black & Veatch, Olsson, ThinkBig Partners and Stinson.
Acting on behalf of the KCATA, the Master Development team is proceeding with the planning for real estate development and technology applications related to public transit along the 17-mile corridor, including the communities of Kansas City, Raytown and Lee’s Summit, Mo.
The Rock Island Rail Corridor presents a unique opportunity to reposition an underutilized asset and create an unencumbered transportation link between these communities and pursue transit-oriented developments (TODs) at key nodes along the corridor and incorporating the County Trail System as a shared-use path.
Future TODs are envisioned to include a mix of uses: multi-family residential housing, retail and office uses all connected via a transit link of autonomous vehicles operated by KCATA, ushering in a new era of mass transportation in the Kansas City region. This AV-connected corridor is intended to not only link the areas currently occupied by the Rock Island Railway, but points beyond, including Downtown and the Country Club Plaza.
CBC, along with Olsson are leading the planning efforts for the future TOD real estate developments and act as the primary point of contact for the Master Development Team and the municipalities and economic development organizations impacted by the project.