Industrial Development

Logistics Park Kansas City • Edgerton, KS

In April 2007, CBC Real Estate Group’s Managing Partner, Bill Crandall, was President of The Allen Group – Kansas City, a firm that executed a contract with BNSF Railway to acquire approximately 550 acres of land with the intent of developing a Logistics Park. At the time the contract was executed, the site was at the intersection of two unimproved gravel roads and did not have utility services. In October 2009, the City of Edgerton, Kan., and Johnson County approved the annexation and development agreements, along with the plan of finance that would ensure the former dairy farm and fallow fields would become Logistics Park Kansas City, one of the largest economic development projects in the State of Kansas.

CBC’s Crandall led The Allen Group’s efforts to develop public-private partnerships with the City of Edgerton, Johnson County and the State of Kansas. The successful formations of these initial partnerships would later result in over six miles of roadway improvements, four grade separations, upgrades to an existing interchange, over four miles of sanitary sewer improvements and the construction of a new interchange. The total value of these public infrastructure improvements at the time was projected to exceed $80 million.

At full build-out, Logistics Park Kansas City will be home to over 17 million square feet of world-class distribution facilities. Early projections for the project included an investment of more than $700 million and creation of over 3,500 permanent jobs.

(816) 210-3728  •